24 July 2014

Another Ending, Another New Beginning

How amazed I am of my self, when I have a lot of things going on recently and happened in my life the past one year, I didn't put any effort to at least write something here.

Anyhow, it seems it was just yesterday when I wrote about my one year journey of pursuing my master degree. Now, it's almost the end of July, and I'm only two steps behind to get my graduate title. Couldn't be happier, especially because the struggle that I've been through during this semester was amazing. Countless sleepless nights, filled with reading and writing like crazy. 

It was May 9, when I finally submitted my thesis draft. I decided to choose the multiculturalism and higher education as my thesis topic. I know, it doesn't sound at all like any international cooperation related issues esp. with mainstream high politics or development issues. But, started from my deep interest in migration topic, I chose the title "Multiculturalism in Internationalization of Korean Higher Education?: Case Study of Seoul National University". I will talk more about this later I guess, to put it in more details. Back to the thesis submission date, so by that day I felt like "YEAH, I'm closer to graduation". Then less in a month since then, I finally did my thesis defense in May 29, 4 pm KST. I experienced another "YEAH" moment..

I thought after that day I can breath more easily, but in the opposite, seemed like the real struggle just started back after the defense. Seriously, even though my revision was not much, but to finalize the very very very fix final draft was not an easy task. I enjoyed my procrastination period so much, and I realized I had only less than a week to get everything done. Another challenges were all administration details and stuffs, also the process to get all signatures and approvals from the committee members.

And just last week, I FINALLY gave my final PDF file of thesis to be printed, I just have to wait one or two more days then I will be able to submit the hard copy to the main library, get the approval thesis certificate and submit it to the administration office. Then hopefully I can enjoy my last August here before I come back to Bandung in September 1.  *fingers crossed*

As my master degree struggle here will come to an end soon, I have many things to be faced right after I come back. Settlement of my career and preparation for my big day (SMILE, aameen). This year should be a very special for me and my family, since not just me graduate and facing the new chapter of life, my sister is also graduating from university. 

The real celebration and congratulations should be given to my beloved Mom, for all the supports, loves, patience that she never tired giving off. If it is not her, me and my sister would not be able to achieve these all. I love you, Bu.. :* 

Our family is not just ordinary one since we lost our beloved Dad 13 years ago, so I always feel, making my Mom proud or at least not being dissapointed with her daughters is one important thing. Especially after last year, when we have to loose our beloved Grandpa, Kiki. I was still in Seoul when he passed away, and I am still feeling like he is around with us. I know every beginning will come to an end, people's story, people's life. And even though I already experiencing loosing my Dad, it didn't help at all to feel less pain when I had to loose Kiki. I wish I was a better granddaughter to him, I wish I called him more often, I wish I showed him more how much I love him. I love you always Ki.. :) So, knowing that the closest family that my Mom has is only her daughters, I feel more and more responsible for her happiness. I wish and I will try to always put smiles on your face Bu. :)

Thank you Seoul for all the lessons that you have taught me so far. 

Dear Allah SWT, please give me strength to face the new beginning and new chapter of my life.

Dear my future husband, insya Allah, let's make a happy future together. 

Seoul, July 24, 2014.

Expand the Sound of Angklung 2008 Part II

Hellooooo.. kembali lagi saya akan bercerita kisah perjalanan tim ESA KPA 3 2008..
setelah kemarin sampai pada kisah beberapa hari di Yunani, mari sekarang kita bahas kisah-kisah yang terjadi selama di Italia.. mafioso bonjorno italiano kopeto pedito. hehehhe..

19 Juli 2008
Setelah penerbangan selama kurang lebih 1 jam dari Athens, kami sampai di Roma pada siang menuju sore hari. Sampai di Roma kami dijemput oleh bapak-bapak Diplomat dari KBRI Roma, salah satunya adalah Bapak Pramudya Sulaksono, atau akrab dipanggil Pak Sonny.. Kesan pertama kali ketika kami datang di bandara Roma ini,, hmmmm... kotor dan kumuh. sedikit kecewa bahwa ternyata di negara Eropa ada juga yaaa kondisi kotor gini.. WCnya terutama. heuh.. :( sedih.. tapi ya sudahlah yaaa. hihihi,. tetep excited sampai di kota ini. Dengan satu catatan, HATI-HATI di sini banyak copet. Jadi kudu super super waspada sama barang-barang berharga kita.. :p

Meluncur dari bandara, kami langsung menuju ke hotel tempat kami menginap sebelum nanti pergi ke tempat festival di hari-hari berikutnya. Mengapa menginap di hotel bukan di Wisma KBRI?? Jawabannya adalah karena memang si wisma ini sedang diperbaiki dan g terlalu besar.. dan memang katanya kita g dapet restu untuk tinggal di sana sama Bapak Dubes Indonesia untuk Roma saat itu. sebelum cerita tentang si hotel, mari cerita dulu tentang pengalaman saya pribadi terkait Pak Dubes ini.

Cerita punya cerita, sebenernya tim kami masih geje bakal tinggal dimana selama 2 hari jeda dari tanggal 19-21 Juli, dimana kami tanggal 21 Juli nya baru bisa berangkat ke Bologna tempat event utama kami diselenggarakan. Padahal tanggal 19 Juli kami sudah meluncur ke Italia. Tentu saja saya jadi ikutan kalang kabut memikirkan 2 hari di Roma ini. Ya masssaaaa kami mau menggeje dua hari di Roma?? huaaaa. STRESS. akhirnya kami berusaha mencari jalan terbaik, tentunya yang paling diusahakan dan masuk akal adalah menginap selama 2 malam di KBRI Roma. Kang Burhan berusaha mengontak pihak KBRI Roma, si Bapak Diplomat yang Kang Bur kontak sih sangat ingin mengusahakan supaya kami bisa stay di sana, masalahnya tadi, bahwa Pak Dubes nya tidak memberi restu. Apa mau di kata, kami juga g bisa maksa lah.. Sementara Kang Burhan mengontak pihak KBRI Roma, saya justru berusaha meminta bantuan pihak Deplu. Saya terus-menerus menghubungi Pak Yusron dari Dirjen Diplik Deplu saat itu. Saya bercerita (re: mengeluh sebenarnya), tentang kegejean yang kami alami, dan saya curhat kok sepertinya sulit sekali melobi dan meluluhkan hati Pak Dubes Italia ini.. Akhirnya beliau membantu saya dengan menghubungkan saya dengan Mas Jedud, yang juga staf Diplik Deplu untuk mengontak pihak KBRI. Menurut Pak Yusron, mas Jedud ini akan sangat membantu kami.. Akhirnya setelah Mas Jedud mengontak saya langsung dari Indonesia, saya menceritakan (berkeluh kesah) tentang kurang ramahnya Pak Dubes Italia ini, dan sulitnya beliau untuk dilobi. Mas Jedud mendengarkan dengan seksama, berusaha membantu sebisanya. Dan VOILAAAA, sesampainya di Roma, kami dijemput di bandara, dan alhamdulillah mendapat akomodasi yang super memadai, yakni sebuah hotel bintang 3 di pusat kota Roma, dekat sekali dengan Termini. (What is termini?? Google it by yourself :D).
Terima kasih banget saya ucapkan langsung kepada mas Jedud. :D

Nah,, kembali ke cerita hotel bintang 3 tempat kami menginap ini, sebenarnya kami tidak sepenuhnya menghela nafas, karena ternyata pembayaran biaya hotel ini harus dibagi 50:50 dengan pihak KBRI, yang artinya kami harus mengutak-atik lagi neraca keuangan kami (halah), dan mencari ide bagaimana caranya supaya kami gak tekor.. heuheu,. Tapi tentu saja, dengan segala upaya, masalah ini terselesaikan.. :)

Hotel tempat kami menginap bernama hotel Notto,. Seperti yang saya bilang, berada di tengah-tengah kota Roma. Sehingga memudahkan kami untuk mengakses berbagai tempat dengan mudah.. :)

Sesampainya di hotel, kami beristirahat, sebelum esok harinya berjalan-jalan meng-explore kota Roma. hehe.